Walaowei! 6 #MamamooinKL experiences that felt like a dream (come true!)

Hana, deul, set. I say Mama, Mama, Moo~~

Photo Credit: Quora

If you’ve read my posts before, you’d probably seen mentions of Mamamoo here and there.

Dubbed as the ‘Vocal Queens’ of K-Pop, the quartet that consist of Kim Yong Sun (Solar), Moon Byul Yi (Moonbyul), Jung Whee In (Whee In) and Ahn Hye Jin (Hwasa) are known for their strong vocals and stage presence.

As a Moomoo (fans of Mamamoo) myself, of course my ultimate dream is to attend their concert for at least once in my entire lifetime.

With that being said, when Mamamoo announced Kuala Lumpur as one of their stops for their MyCon (Mic On, geddit geddit???) World Tour, of course I went craaayyyyyy excited. In fact, the announcement itself felt like a dream come true!!! 

Look at ‘Kuala Lumpur’!!! Photo Credit: Kpop Map

But that’s not the only thing that feels like a dream to me. So, for today’s post, let me take you for a roller coaster ride of Emotions and journey throughout the #MamamoinKL #MyConinKL experience.

Disclaimer: if you’re not interested in this post, leave now. If you’re curious, continue reading but do note this is gonna be a long post.

1. Mamamoo is coming back for Malaysian Moomoos?!?!?!?

Photo Credit: MAMAMOO-OT42014619Myanmar Page

In all honesty, I wouldn’t have thought that my favourite girl group would ever come to Malaysia (I wasn’t aware they performed at a Music Festival here in 2018 #soz #newfanalert). I mean… our country is quite well-known for its strict regulations when it comes to concerts, especially if you’re a female performer. 

But when Mamamoo had announced their MyCon World Tour, I had always kept this tiny hope that they wouldn’t skip Malaysia this time around like how most singers would. And boi was I so elated when I saw this teaser poster:

Photo Credit: The Seoul Story Twitter

…and the confirmation of the concert in Malaysia:

Photo Credit: Mamamoo Wiki

Ever since this announcement, I have made up my mind to bring my sister and bestie, who are both Moomoos, to the concert regardless of what happens. 

2. Seeing MyCon ad on highway billboards

In the 21st century where digital marketing is THE way to reach your target audience, highway billboards are probably the last place you’d look for when it comes to any kind of promotions, especially concert promotional. But here’s where I may be wrong.

I was on my way home with my sister while we listened to Illella by Mamamoo one day when we saw a MyCon billboard advertisement. We were so stunned that the only thing I did was stop dancing to Illella and screamed while my sister just stared unbelievably at the billboard. And, obviously, we forgot to take a picture of the billboard at that time.

So, we tried to trace back the billboard a few times but to no avail because that billboard was a video type of billboard (soz I don’t know what it’s called). Thankfully, we eventually managed to catch the advertisement again and take a picture of it.

Pics or it didn’t happen, amirite? Photo Credit: @peliktapibrina

And throughout the span of a few weeks, other Moomoos also noticed similar billboards on various highways around Klang valley!

3. Actually getting our tickets!!!!

One thing that stressed me out was the ability to get our hands on the tickets. This is because of the many, manyyyyyy uncertainties that were met whilst purchasing the ticket.

The first uncertainty has got to be the ticketing dates. Despite announcing the concert in Malaysia sometime in November 2022, we had only gotten a solid ticketing date in early January 2023!!

The fandom waiting for ticketing dates be like… Photo Credit: Know Your Meme

And then we have to face another uncertainty during the ticketing day itself. Imagine having no queue or proper ticketing mechanism whatsoever and the website just crashed at every stage of purchasing the ticket!!!

But holy guacamole does it feel like a dream when we finally get our desired seats, knowing that we are really going to watch the girls live. However, that’s not the only thing we managed to get our hands on.

4. We won a lucky draw… to send Mamamoo off???

The thing about me is that I am never lucky enough to win any lucky draws. And even if I win it, I won’t be able to claim it at all. I’ve covered this in a previous post, read here

So, when I received an email one morning saying that one of the tickets that I bought hit the jackpot, I just… *cue music You Would Not Believe Your Eyes*

Photo Credit: That One Fireflies Meme via YouTube

This part really felt like a bittersweet dream because yay, I finally won something but not all of us (as in my gang) gets to send Mamamoo off. :/

5. Meeting other Moomoos to welcome Mamamoo

Ok fine, call me a crazy fan or whatever but I’ve never thought I would go to an airport to welcome an artist to my country. I have been a fan of One Direction and Little Mix, and though only one of these groups have ever been to Malaysia, I’ve never been to the airport to welcome them.

So, when I first saw other fans creating online groups to greet the girls at the airport, I was hesitant to join, thinking I wouldn’t have the time to greet them since it was on a working day. Despite being hesitant at first, I told myself to live with no regrets and y’know…

This post is 100% NOT sponsored. #plsdontcomeatme Photo Credit: Etsy

And just like that, I drove my sister and myself, with our Moobongs (Mamamoo lightstick) packed in our bags, feeling all nervous, to the airport on Friday morning. When we arrived, we were warmly greeted by other Moomoos, whom we finally met in person.

Photo Credit: @peliktapibrina

Honestly, this experience isn’t so much focusing on Mamamoo but on the Moomoos themselves. I, for one, have always been scared of meeting other fans and thought of myself as not being a fan enough because I don’t really consume as much content as other fans would despite being an avid listener of Mamamoo’s songs. But, the Moomoos I met that day made me feel included although we’ve just met.

But the story doesn’t end there. While waiting for Mamamoo to arrive, we encountered four abang sado (aka bodyguards) who were apparently waiting for another artist. Unfortunately, this artist’s fans weren’t around to greet them… well, except for one.

So, when this artist showed up at the airport, the Moomoos decided to warmly welcome them to Malaysia. And that itself was so wholesome!

Said artist… me thinks. Photo Credit: @peliktapibrina


When Mamamoo arrived, the bodyguards told us to behave and gave us some specific instructions. And guess what? We actually lined up to greet Mamamoo, so everyone had the opportunity to see them up close (and personal?). I’ve always seen fans crowding their favourite artist but seeing all of us in a line???? 

Even Pika-pika-pikachu is shooketh!! Photo Credit: @peliktapibrina

And, yes, although we followed them to their car, nobody crowded the girls and tried to get too close. OMG HOW DID WE BEHAVE THAT WELL, GUYS???


A lot of time, I’ve seen fans saying things like ‘This video doesn’t do justice, you must experience Mamamoo’s concert by yourself.’ And I have to agree! 

While the concert itself had *coughs* HUGE *coughs* hiccups *coughs* thanks to the organizers, Mamamoo’s vocals, dance moves, music arrangements and stage presence were top notch. When the girls first appeared on stage I… I CRIED.

It’s a bit embarrassing to admit la ok. Photo Credit: @Kpopphotos via Amino Apps

I also really enjoyed how Mamamoo took the time to learn Malaysian phrases like Alamak, Walaowei and even (Moomoo) akan sentiasa maju (?!?!?!?!) #MajulahMamamooUntukMoomoo #UndiSolarUntukPM

But you know what completes the whole experience? The fans themselves. For one, the local fanbase called Mamamoo Union Malaysia, organised a four-part fan event which was brilliantly executed. Everyone had a hand banner like this…

The message on the hand banner is very poetic tbh. Photo Credit: thenarisab

…that we held up during I Love Too and Star Wind Flower Sun (to celebrate Solar’s birthday). They also provided those without the Moobong a green lightstick and organised a VCR project that includes clips of Malaysian Moomoos (bonus point: my bestie and I were chosen in the video!) conveying heartfelt messages to Mamamoo members.

Photo Credit: @bullaloops

And the crowd! The crowd was just… bak kata Moonbyul – Walaowei!!!! Everyone was singing along to the songs, cheering, laughing and even crying throughout the concert – it was just an amazing feeling to be there. 

Which is why, fast forward to when this post is published…

Walaowei, the whole experience feels like a dream!

And it’s a dream that I defo don’t wanna wake up from.

Some may call it Post Concert Depression but I don’t feel depressed at all. Instead, I felt like I’m in some la la land the past week because watching fancams online made me smile like an idiot for hours and hours. 

Up to this day, everything felt so surreal! I still can’t believe that I saw Mamamoo live, in front of my eyes or that I was at their concert, screaming my lungs out to every line of their songs, laughing at their skits and crying while chanting ‘울지마! (Don’t cry!)’. 

And just like other fans, I really wish the concert didn’t have to end. Or, rather, I wish I could just stay stuck at that point of time where we were all having fun at the concert. 

Photo Credit: @peliktapibrina

But, all in all, I’m glad that I’ve experienced this with my sister and bestie alongside thousands of other Moomoos. It was defo worth the ringgit spent and was surely a weekend to remember.

Nota kaki: All photos with tags are published with permission from the owners.

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