Dreams do come true

I’ve always thought that I’m unlucky. That I may not deserve anything nice in life. Heck, there was a time where I almost won a contest. ALMOST.

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Wee-hoo! But I didn’t get to watch it cos I wasn’t in town. HAHA H A H  A. Screenshot from Facebook.

However, after recently completing my internship, I realised that I may not be as unlucky as I’ve always thought I am. As a matter of fact, there were times where I was lucky and some of my dreams came true.

DISCLAIMER: This post is a self reminder to be grateful for everything (from the most obvious to the littlest things) in life. There’s no intention to flaunt my achievements whatsoever. But if you feel like it, then you could leave the page.


DREAM #1: Becoming a writer

I started writing since I was a little girl. No, I don’t mean writing alphabets. I meant writing stories.

As a girl who love to daydream, I spent most of my time imagining a world or universe where things would be better. And there lived most of the characters from my unfinished stories (yes, that many). I started writing my own stories at the age of 12 but gotten more serious about it when I was 17.

How serious you asked? I had my teacher proof-read my stories before submitting them to the school’s editorial board and entered some competitions. However, none gotten published or won those competitions.

Devastated but still strong headed to prove that I can be a writer, I decided to take up a course related to writing and publishing. I learnt a lot from that course and developed an interest in poetry.

All the while, I tried writing and submitting to places but as usual, nothing really happened afterwards. As a matter of fact, I applied a spot for internship at my dream company but I’ve never heard from them at all.

thats it
When you tried your best (way too many times) but you don’t succeed. Meme credit: Palya

Fortunately, I secured an internship spot at a digital publishing company where I was trained to be a writer for FOUR months. During those four months, I learnt to write different kind of stories (aka articles). I had the opportunity to write stories related to health, religion, tradition, history and even politics!

And I didn’t get published once, but many, MANY times!

In fact, I am with that company as we speak. How cool is that, huh? Although I didn’t get to be the type of writer I’ve been wanting to be, at least I get to call myself a writer (maybe a better one?).


DREAM #2: Met people I look up to

Okay, let’s be honest. I’m not really a fan of local entertainment or artists (with certain exceptions lah okay). So if I pass by any local artists also I look-look only and blah (leave).

But there’s this one time where I met this super cool actress who is one of Sharifah Amani’s friends. I’ve been a fan of her and her friends (cos I love how they act lah, they’re all a bunch of talented people).

the sonias
I really adore their friendship. Photo credit: Sharifah Amani’s Instagram

Anyway, I was working as a cashier at MPH when Cristina Suzanne entered the shop and looked through notebooks and stuff. I stood there in disbelief until she came to the counter to pay. Of course, my heart raced and hands shook hard. I tried having a conversation with her and was glad that I did because she’s very cool about it. She gave me her signature before leaving the premise.

Buuuuttt, that wasn’t the first time I met someone I adore. As far as I could remember, I was 12 when I met A Samad Said, THE Sasterawan Negara. And at a young age like that (remember I told yall that I started writing when I was 12?), I was of course shocked and blurred out when I met him. It was as if I was blessed with his writing powers or aura that I felt like I was in a state of trance. Similar to Cristina Suzanne, I only managed to get his signature and a piece of advice that I no longer remember. 😦

a samad said
Me trying to remember A Samad Said’s advise. FYI, this is THE A Samad Said. Photo credit: Sinar Harian

There was also this other time where I met two people I adore from a movie called Ola Bola. One was Luqman Hafidz who played Ali and the other one was Haris Zainuddin who played Sanjeet. There was a drama shooting in my uni where the production students had to learn from. So they were present to watch how the production crew shot the drama and whatnot. I wasn’t a production student but still menyibuk (busybody) cos those actors were there.

I was so dumbstruck that I couldn’t even have a normal conversation with Luqman, whom I took pictures with later. I got back home, head over heels, almost out of breathe. ARGH!

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GYARRR. Photo credit: thenarisab

Speaking of Ola Bola…


DREAM #3: Be ahtistik-ish

I’m not particularly artistic but watching theatres has been in my bucket list for the longest time. And I get how expensive theatres can cost cos… well… atas (rich) people right?

Fortunately, with the money I saved, I was able to purchase tickets to two theatres; Mak Yong Titis Sakti and Ola Bola Musical. And guess what? I don’t regret my decisions.

Mak Yong Titis Sakti is a crossover between a local play called Mak Yong and Shakespeare’s Midsummer’s Night Dream. My sister and I decided to watch this play as it was actually directed by our uncle’s friend’s wife.

mak yong titis
The cast of Mak Yong Titis Sakti. Photo credit: thenarisab

Ola Bola Musical, on the contrary, was a musical that I’ve been dying to watch. As a fan of the movie Ola Bola, I was so excited when I saw the announcement of the musical. It was an extraordinary experience, indeed (even my sister admitted it okay).

Literally how I felt; SHOOK. Anyway, yea, that is Stephen Rahman-Hughes (in grey coat). Photo credit: thenarisab

I’m gonna save up more to watch more theatres (and concerts).


DREAM #4: Met, rode and became a unicorn

rode unicorn
Even the sign behind me said to “Follow Your Dreams”. Anyway, rode it the halal way. Photo credit: thenarisab

Okay, this might sound ridiculous to some but I really, really wanted to at least pet a unicorn. I’ve always wanted those unicorn onesies but never had the money to own it.

Sooooo, my bff and I went to La Fleur X Uniqorn at Sunway Geo Avenue where we get to be a unicorn, make our own latte art and BE a unicorn!

This dream might be a silly one but I actually had fun. And most importantly, the place and ambiance made me happy.

unicorn love
Unicorn love. Photo credit: thenarisab

If you look at it, you might think that some of my dreams are more… goal-like. But let me honestly tell you this. In each dreams that came true so far, I was happy. And that would be a bigger achievement compared to these dreams.

Some people might tell you to wake up and step into this cruel reality where your dreams may not come true but I’m here to tell you to never stop dreaming. Of course there are times where you have to put your feet firm on the ground so that you won’t lose your senses. But dream more and never lose faith in your dream as you might never know if and when it could come true.

In this cruel world, you might think you’re unlucky. Maybe you would just have to see things in a different perspective. 😉



2 responses to “Dreams do come true”

  1. well-written, and seriouuussllyy.. about the dreaming stuff tu smua, btul tau. the effect after dreaming tu btul2 kdg buat rasa mcm motivated sngt nk achieve our life goals.


  2. It抯 really a nice and helpful piece of information. I am glad that you shared this useful information with us. Please keep us up to date like this. Thanks for sharing.


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